This is an API for Sniffie. It accepts requests in GET string and returns data in specified formats.

You need to have professional, business or custom account in order to use this API. Returns up to 10.000 rows at a time.

Allowed poll rate - 60 requests per minute.

## Examples: ##

returns data for Sniff ID 34 in the period 11.11.2015-02.12.2015 for the user with correct API key

## Common parameters: ##

* apikey - the API key for user
* s - numeric extraction id parameter specific for the user with the desired api key
* w - website, filters request by website name
* p - product category / project, filters request by product category name
* products - returns a matrix for all confirmed product matches and their latest information
* availability - (in association with products) returns latest availability for that specific product if the column was extracted
* productList - returns a list of all confirmed product matches and their latest infromation and their date of information extraction

## Accepted requests: ##

### s ###

Returns data associated with the extraction id specific to the user. Multiple ids separated by comma. For a range, provide a dash (-) between two ids. Examples below.

ex: ?apikey=123&s=1
# returns data for extraction id 1 for user with api key 123
ex: ?apikey=123&s=1,2,3
# returns data for extraction ids 1, 2 and 3 for user with api key 123
ex: ?apikey=123&s=1-3
# returns data for extraction ids between 1 and 3 (inclusive) for user with api key 123

### p ###

Filters data by product category. Multiple product categories can be separated with comma (,)
ex: ?apikey=123&p=test
# returns all latest extraction data for product category 'test' for user with api key 123
ex: ?apikey=123&p=test,test2
# returns all latest extraction data for product categories 'test' and 'test2' for user with api key 123

### w ###

Filters data by website name. Multiple website names can be separated with comma (,)
ex: ?apikey=123&
# returns all latest extraction data for website '' for user with api key 123
ex: ?apikey=123&,
# returns all latest extraction data for websites '' and '' for user with api key 123

### datemin ###
### datemax ###

Specifies minimum date for request. Requires *s* parameter.
Specifies maximum date for sniff data. Requires *sniffdata* parameter.
Uses format YYYY-MM-DD

ex: ?apikey=123&s=1001,1002,1003&datemin=1970-01-01&datemax=2100-01-01
# returns data between 1970-01-01 and 2100-01-01 for extraction ids 1001,1002, 1003 for user with api key 123

### format ###

Specifies the output format. Currently supported: json, html, text, xml

ex: ?apikey=123&s=1&format=html
# returns data in html table form

## Questions? ##

Contact us by e-mail: *support at sniffie dot fi*.